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Psychologically Safe & Healthy Workplaces

There is an immediate and unprecedented call to action for leaders to be stewards of the organization’s culture and the provision of a psychologically safe, healthy and resilient workplace.

How do you create the calm after the perfect storm?

Taking Stock

Are you ready? Are you doing what you need to be doing?


Take stock of both your organizational and employee needs to determine both your strengths and gaps in the psychological health and safety of your talent. 



  • A review of existing policies and practices related to the protection of your employees' psychological health and safety.


  • An evidenced-based employee questionnaire that provides a snapshot of your organization’s resilience, including the level employee are feeling stressed or satisfied at work.​


  • Safe Six Readiness Essentials Checklist: Are you ready? What are the key psychologically safe and healthy workplace readiness essentials?. Assess your organization's readiness with our Six Safe Tools


Leadership Strategy & Action

There is a need to develop change strategies necessary to shift the culture and build a psychologically healthy, safe and resilient workplace. This entails:


  • Reviewing the assessment data to answer with our client - "So What? & Now What?"


  • Coaching in the development of a communication & implementation plan with an intent of changing and sustaining culture


  • Facilitating organization design initiatives to address issues such as workplace stress and excessive overtime


  • Advising on how to integrate psychological health and safety practices iinto core organizational processes: business planning, risk management, performance management and talent management


  • Evaluating and monitoring progress.

Workshops & Tools

These are designed to increase the leader’s level of comfort and skill at engaging in sensitive conversations about mental health challenges at work.


​Session #1 - Strategies for building a healthy and safe workplace  

Session #2 - Having the tough conversation about mental health at work

Session #3 - Building Resilience - work, stress & my own mental health



Psychological Safe and Healthy Workplace Toolkits include Standards & Psychosocial Factors, Assessments: 10 Key Strategies. Also included:


  • Toolkit for Managers: WHAT DO YOU SAY WHEN...? The power of Our Conversations in Building Healthy & Productive Workplaces


  • Simulation for Managers: A 1-day simulation for leaders would provide a safe, yet challenging learning opportunity to explore practical approaches to managing people with mental health challenges.


  • Breaking the Silence Workshops Toolkits

Breaking the Silence Workshops


We support our clients to create and implement solutions that work best for them.

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